It was a very busy fall and winter for recording audiobooks – here are some of my favorites that have been released in recent weeks:
1. The Devil Wins – A History of Lying from the Garden of Eden to the Enlightenment – This is an exquisite and accessible scholarly work that explores the nature of man and lying from Genesis through the ancient world and into the Renaissance. It was the subject of a recent post in Andrew Sullivan’s Dish. To tell you the truth, it was an absolute joy to narrate, such beautiful language. Also no lie – it’s currently the hottest new release on the Philosophy of Good and Evil sales charts.
2. Democracy Inc.: How Members of Congress Have Cashed In on Their Jobs – This project collects the award-winning recent reporting from the Washington Post on congressional malfeasance. Short, to the point, and shocking, it’s investigative journalism at its finest.
3. The Spirit of ’76 – Rolling Stone editor David Browne’s best-selling Kindle Single is now out in audiobook form. Fun and informative cultural and political snapshot of an important year in American history. It starts with Saturday Night Live and punk rock and goes out from there.